Client Success Stories

Kushagra(AtlasMoth) provided quick designs from scratch which allowed our development team to quickly get started with building out an MVP. He also came up with some great ideas around the internal economy of the App.

— Larry Velez, Founder at Kogi AI

Through our network we came in contact with AtlasMoth as we were looking for someone with design experience who could help use move to the next stage of our MVP. After a few meets we were confident in Kushagra’s skills. As such, he started with the revamp for the UI. As we didn’t had any prior experience in the team, we asked AtlasMoth to not only design but be pro-active in the designs by always thinking of the user experience. They delivered a quality product in the timeframe we discussed. Even though they finished the product with a quality delivery, Kushagra is still open to consult during implementation which is a very nice extra.

Neville Starke, Co-Founder/CEO at Crystale

Kushagra(AtlasMoth) has helped us with the UX of our Mini Golf game. From analyzing data to converting it into a better user experience to make our game even more appealing and user-friendly. Thank you for the reliable collaboration!

— Rik Hoekstra, Co-Founder/CEO at Interactive Games Entertainment

I had the pleasure to work with AtlasMoth. Kushagra created content for both our website and our socials, and already showed a great talent for creative, attractive and engaging content. Next to that, he also had a great work ethic and never missed a deadline. I highly recommend AtlasMoth(Kushagra) for both his skills and work ethic!

— Chris Wind, Editor-in-chief at HanzeMag

Motivation gets intimidated of Kushagra.

I have had the pleasure of knowing/working alongside Kushagra for over 3 years. Each time we meet whether it's formal or informal, I always leave inspired to work more on myself based on his fundamental principles and balanced work/social life. His ability to curate a team of individuals from different backgrounds and not only bring a sense of balance but comfort amongst strangers was admirable. There is always a dedication to the cause with Kushagra, no matter how far away the goal always seems; he keeps looking forward, avoiding doubt and discouragement. From experience working together, he has a unique way of seeking solutions. Analysing a situation and reflecting on how others from all sorts of backgrounds would perceive it/go about tackling it. An active curiosity that is always fuelled to know more.

One quality from Kushagra I adopted into my daily life is openly sharing the aspects I want to improve and grow in, with those around me. Being vocal, setting goals, letting your environment know. From this I have documented my progress and become more aware to reflect on it, which is something I will always be thankful for. Whether it's failure or victory, everything is an opportunity to learn with Kushagra.

I would consider anyone who gets to work alongside Kushagra as very fortunate. Each day you're left feeling pumped, smiling and like you can take on the entire world. Don't miss out, I wouldn't recommend it!

— Jordan Walsh, Community Manager at Lucky Kat

I'm thrilled to have a chance to recommend my former colleague, Kushagra Baid. We collaborated on various projects, and Kushagra's creativity and adaptability in design always shone through.

Coming from India to the Netherlands, Kushagra didn't skip a beat in bringing his talent and enthusiasm, brightening up our projects and the overall work environment. He has a natural knack for understanding client needs and transforming them into visually captivating designs.

Kushagra isn't just an ace designer; he's an amazing team player and friend. He fits right in, no matter where he goes. I have no doubts whatsoever that he'll make a lasting impact wherever he moves forward.

— Joel Zweerink, Sales/Project Manager at The Millionaires Club